Wednesday 4 February 2015

Hypocrisy or Human Nature

I have been watching a television program on and off recently about a young girl who had developed cancer and is now in remission.  I am not going to delve into the television plot or mention the show per se' as I don't want to get bogged down with making sure my credits go to the right people, television station etc etc,  I have no issue crediting other sources, and if this blog was about the show I would make sure it was credited correctly, but this isn't about the show at all, it is just about one particular interaction and two lines in the show that resonated within me.  I am not going to use the character names or the title of the show but I will share the lines as I remember them, (they may not be direct quotes)

Star: "I'm sorry if my having Cancer is an inconvenience to you!" 
Sidekick: "Yeah, well, it is!"

And this got me to thinking a lot about how I interact with people and how people interact with me concerning my weight and any other health issues.  We all know that I am trying my best to become healthy and shed some weight by following the advice of my Naturopath, who gets her information from my body by telling her what it needs though blood and other tests etc. For the record, and let me be very clear now, I have always known that there was more to my weight than my eating or exercise regime, and I have constantly over the years, sought the answer to my health issues and I proactively research and attempt everything I can to find the answer.

So what I don't understand is this, if someone is suffering from an ailment, a debilitating one, why are they not spending every possible moment trying to find a way to relieve symptoms or find answers as to what causes the symptoms or what brings on an attack.  Is it environmental, is it dietary, is it physical, is it psychological, is it........ what is it that causes this much pain that it stops you in your tracks and prevents you from living a normal, fulfilled life and oh my god, why, are you not actively doing anything about it?

I ask this question, because I am sick and tired of hearing from someone about what is always wrong in their life.  I really want to scream at them GET SOME HELP for gods sake.  How can you be happy living your life like this.  But then on the next hand, I need someone to talk to about what is going on with me too.  I need to say to someone, I am having a bad day today and I am really feeling down.  This thought process begs me to ask the question of myself, am I a hypocrite, or is it human nature that has me wanting to share, but not want to be there for someone who complains all the time.
Interesting question about myself I thought.  What really resonated with me about this particular interaction was that I would hate to think that I was an inconvenience to anyone.  If I am, I am so sorry.  And it is "light globe" (thanks Oprah Winfrey for that quote) moments like this, that have me even more determined to beat this weight and to fight my own body about what it wants to do and make sure it does what it should.

Thanks "Chasing Life" you have inspired me to do, just that.  Chase MY Life

Now I am off to do a work out on my Pilate Air Machine - which I absolutely love!!!!!


  1. Bravo to you!!! You are an amazing woman and I am so lucky that BATB introuduced you to me. Carry on sweet thing!!!

  2. Well done I love chasing life too.....I too have decided to chase my life and do what are me happy, you told me to do you have Inspired me you have kicked my butt a few time now. So thank you. Xx

  3. THANK YOU Jay, I agree with you. One can live with a debilitating , sometimes incurable illness HAPPILY, it's what you do to manage your emotions, your feelings about it, you accepting what you have and doing the absolute best not to let it get to you,. You have it, live with it, embrace the wonderful moments you do have, and the life that you have, and if you can do something about it, or something to relieve the symptoms, do so! Moaning and groaning about it?I understand it, but- It will not make it better. Only the person with the ailment aka disease can manage it, and can accept it, be happy with it, move forward, do something about it , or not....... Wish I could write a motivational book to the people who can't accept, can't go on with their lives, the people who choose to stay in a negative space, how debilitating is that?! Love you brave woman!! xoxo

  4. Jay, kudos to you! It's hard work to acknowledge what is we want to change about our lives and then to do something about it. Perhaps your friend isn't there yet, but you may have to draw boundaries so that her negativity doesn't bring you down. I love that you feel comfortable enough to share with us. I am so grateful to know you, my dearie! xxoo


Thank you for taking the time to read my Blog. May the sun always shine on you, even if it is the darkest of days.