Saturday 31 January 2015

Going Public and Vitamin D

Now that I have put myself out there,. I mean, really out there, there is no turning back.

I didn't know if I was really going to blog my journey publicly or if I was just using the site to write down my thoughts, but.... since I have now made it official (I mean I tweeted it and put it as a FB status so that makes it totes official :) ) I can't just make it up as I go along.

I am going to do most of my blogging with the names of my loved ones changed because there will be times when what I write is going to be very personal and even though I can differentiate between something that is about me and not that of the people I may mention, I am aware, that some may take things personally and be offended that I have used their names.  So I won't out of respect for them.

I do have to say that it is humbling, within minutes of going public I watched the views increase. Surely there aren't that many people reading it, just clicking on the page for a moment maybe, but I think even if one or two people read it, that is just awesome, so thank you :)

So today is Sunday for me.  I woke up at 3am not able to sleep and thought I would jump online and do a jigsaw puzzle or two, but the link to "Blogger" just stared at me screaming at me to do something constructive, do something that wasn't mind numbing and hence, here I am.

So to continue with theme of my journey, I will be honest, things have been pretty normal.  I have been sticking to my "Good Food" list, I have gone for a walk or three, I have worked out on my Pilates air machine, and stood on the scales.  Honestly I could cry, but I won't.

Did I tell you I am doing all of this with the help of a naturopath?  Her name is Bronwyn (real name in case anyone wants a referral).  She sat with me for nearly 2 hours and explained what all the recent tests results meant, not just individually, but what they meant together, what it meant in relation to each other.  So my thyroid resting temp is below 36c degrees - who new this indicated a slow thyroid and that my glucose levels and liver function and kidney function and estrogen levels and every other tested part of my body levels and function were all low.

I had these aches in my legs all the time and thought, nah, I'm too young for a hip or knee replacement, so I kept putting off going to the doctor about it and I never mentioned to them when asking for blood work either (I didn't want to go down that road, it was just too scary).  But as it turns out, I have a Vitamin D level of 25, the average is 70+.  Finding out about this had my brilliant naturopath on the phone to me saying "Janeen, you need to get down here and start taking Vitamin D tablets.  I have some here or you can get them me from chemist warehouse, but I want you to start taking 3 tablets a day for a month, we can talk more when come for your monthly visit next week, but please don't wait until next week to collect the tablets"

I got the tablets from Bronwyn and started taking three a day. Within 2 to 3 days I noticed that the aches in my legs had lessened and that I was now able to wake up in less pain than I was used too. "Who'da thunk it?" A simple Vitamin D tablet would be the answer to this constant ache I was having for the past couple of years - yes years.

I finished the bottle of Vitamin D a couple of weeks later but didn't refill my tablets, because, well you know, I knew better than the naturopath and I didn't need those Vitamin D tablets anymore. The pain in my legs had gone.  Boy was I wrong.  Within 2 days of not taking the tablets, the ache in my legs returned.  When I spoke to Bronwyn about it she explained to me that as I was so low in my levels, save for my sitting in the sun for every hour it shone for 6 months I would probably need to take at the 3 tablets of concentrate Vitamin D for at least 2 months before I could be considered at a "within range" and decrease the dosage to 1 concentrate tablet per day.  Bronwyn also went on to explain that I would probably need to keep taking if I continued to work in an office job as my exposure to Vitamin D is so minimal.

I am now a Vitamin D convert.  And my aches and pains are bearable now, for the most part :)

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