Tuesday 27 January 2015

Australia Day

Australia Day - a day of celebration of all things Australian... to some.  Me, it's a day off from work, A day I get to do something other than get up at 5.30 am, have a shower, get dressed, wake hubby up, try to do the right thing by my skin and put moisturizer, eye cream etc etc on, go to work, work all day in a job I don't mind, but I don't love, come home watch TV, write something, go to bed, only to do it all again the next day.  This is my chance to do something different.

Why then did I find myself doing the same thing again today that I do everyday?  A plate of food was placed in front of me.  Not for me, just in front of me. And I knew that the biscuits with sun-dried tomato dip wasn't on my list of "OK" foods, but I sneak just one, which becomes two, which becomes OMG the plate is empty.  It is as if the auto pilot is functioning today.  I realize that I did just eat something that I shouldn't have, (I didn't really have that many, but 1 serve of something that isn't on my "OK" foods list is 1 too many) so it was time to acknowledge that I had done it and move on to the rest of the day.  I have to remember not to beat myself up and use negative self-talk with myself, because that only makes things worse....downward spiral to depression and all that stuff....so I acknowledged the err of my ways vowing that I would be good the rest of the day.  And I was good, I ate my protein with some plain, undressed salad an egg and lots of water.

Yeah me, battle of the survivor -v- victim, 1-nil today and I am doing well.  

A couple of hours later I decided it was time to get a drink.  I had been outside all day, and the throat was screaming for hydration, so I duck inside to grab and drink and on my way to the kitchen...I remembered that I had left a couple of premix alcoholic drinks the last time I had visited so I found them, drank them both until I realized again, Alcohol is not on my "OK" foods list.  Did I tell you I am really starting to dislike my "OK" foods list.  

I don't want to be the person that has to be careful about what is put in my mouth.  I don't want to be the person that has problem's walking because her legs have swollen to massive proportions due to the heat and the excess fluid her body is retaining and I don't want to be the person who is feeling like there is no answer to the problems that I am having trying to loose weight.  And to make matters worse, I am not only carrying my own weight, I am also carrying the weight of all those women out there that are struggling with the same problem... The problem of loosing weight, the problem of feeling like I am being judged by every person I meet.  I don't want to be the person sitting in the corner of the room too scared to speak to people in fear of my reading judgement, disgust and pity in their eyes,

I don't want to be the person always looking for excuses as to why I can't go to the movies, or fly interstate for work because I am too scared of sitting next to the judgement of strangers.,  I know when they see me coming I can almost hear the "please don't sit next to me, please don't sit next to me, please don't sit next to me...." prayers silently being whispered as I approach.

I don't like being like this, I don't like being the fat old lady that lives down the street,  So why am I sabotaging myself, at every turn, why am I feeding the wrong side of me, why aren't I nourishing the good side instead of feverishly gorging for the bad things?  Surely I am not the victim I sound like on this page, no surely Not!!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


  1. Ok, I'm reading this and thinking, this is me! I've struggled with weight and only now that I'm 64 years old, am I at a place where I am comfortable in my own skin. But it was a journey and still is. I'm at Weight Watchers every week and this is my anchor. I don't mean to go on about me, but I have been where you are, my dearie, and I know exactly what you are feeling and going through. You are a beautiful, fabulously talented, and empathetic woman and don't you ever forget that! If you fall off the "refrigerator", just shake that Etch-a-Sketch and start over! You can do it!!!!!! And we are all here to support you and each other. Love you! xxoo

  2. Sounds just like me, only I do not want to be the fat Mumma in the school yard and not be able to play with my kids because I can not run. So I have been walking everyday and doing yoga......trying to watch what I eat.....but like you one biscuit and dip became so much more. Oh well tomorrow is a new day and a new start. Xx


Thank you for taking the time to read my Blog. May the sun always shine on you, even if it is the darkest of days.