Thursday 10 September 2015

Beauty of Life - Just a short note

I am not sure if anyone is aware of this, but….. Today is one of the most precious of days.  I woke up this morning at 5.20am to a brisk Spring day, a temperature of around 3.5 degrees (Celsius) and although it was still dark, dawn was just breaking and it’s subtle lightness meant I didn’t have to turn on a light as I made my way to the car.

When I got home and opened the door to my place (I am currently sleeping at my in-laws) the house was again, light enough that I didn’t need to turn on the lights.  I stood inside the door and reveled in the stillness (everything around me at the moment is go, go, go) before I made my way to the bathroom to start getting ready to start my day.

By the time I was ready to leave and as I walked out the front door to the car, dawn had completely broken and the skies were that beautiful cloudless shade of blue.  There was still a chill in the air but it did nothing to freeze out the warmth I felt just turning my head toward the sky and feeling the sun on my face.  What an amazing feeling.

Today, is one of those days for me that, no matter what is happening, how sad I felt yesterday or may feel tomorrow, today I feel amazing! 

I am able to see that life is all around me, springing to life again after the cold winter, waiting for me to start living it again.  I feel that the darkness I have recently felt and experienced is finally making its way to my past where it belongs, opening my heart and my mind to my future; which is awfully good by the way.  I am excited again.  I am looking forward to getting out and going for walks with my puppy (and of course my significant other half), I can see that I have amazing opportunities in front of me that I couldn’t see before.  Most importantly of all though, is I know I am loved and can love through dark times.  The love that has been sent to me literally and virtually has helped me get through some really tough times.

So thank you everyone who has been there for me, thank you for everyone who as wished me well, sent me messages of strength, pictures of new babies and shared your family’s triumphant moments.  Thank you for sharing your lives with me.  You have enabled me to remember that I am not alone and there is a world out there still revolving.  You have reminded me that the sun is still rising and setting and how new days are being born, lived and remembered as they become yesterday.

I am totally in love with life today.  Isn’t it amazing that because I have experienced sorrow, that I can recognize and understand that today, tomorrow and next week all have the possibility of making me happy, smile and glad to be alive.  

I think so!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Jay, you're so gifted & have ways with words. Im reading this & crying & smiling:))) . I am beyond thrilled that you're feel this way again, that you have come out of the darkness, and you are able to see the beauty of life, and have not allowed loss, despair or sadness consume you. Have said this many times & but you're truly an amazing human being and you're my inspiration. Your strength, your will to live life courageously & fearlessly is very inspiring. Your dad and mum & everyone else above is looking down at you with love & pride:). Well done my dear friend!! May you live a long, meaningful & happy life. Love you loads, Sin Bella xxxx


Thank you for taking the time to read my Blog. May the sun always shine on you, even if it is the darkest of days.