This is what happens when I eat Pizza. And I KNOW this. So why do I do this to myself, knowingly?
I’m holding on for dear life
There’s nothing I can do
Rocking back and forth whispering STOP
It’s ok, this is something I’ll get through
The pain is ripping me in half
I am blinded by it and feeling sick
The only thing I know how to do
Is just rock back and forth as I sit
My legs are weak, thank god I’m sitting
And sweat breaks out on my brow
I feel myself being torn in two
I just have to get through this some how
There is nothing I can do at all,
The pain is so intense I want to be sick
I need to grab hold of something
The darkness is coming too quick
A spasm hits me, God it’s intense
Breathe in, breathe out, just breathe
It’s like I could forget about breathing and
Blacking out would be such a relief
But I have to stay here and endure
It will be over soon, of this I am positive
Relief comes closer as time passes
And my body has nothing left to give
I lay back down, I think it’s over
But the pain niggles as I try to sleep
Within a few minutes, the flood of pain is back
So intense, I can do nothing but weep
I ride the wave, I crash back down
I pray for the moment the pain fades away
I rock back and forth whispering STOP
The pain, the agony, I just don’t want to play
Another wave, another spasm
I am lost as to where I can go from here
I just continue my rocking back and forth
Knowing that soon I’ll have nothing to fear
I don’t know how long this will last
Time between each wave is lengthening now
So maybe I will go and lie down
And try as hard as I can, to sleep somehow
©Janeen Hayes 2015