Tuesday 26 May 2015

Yearning For Someone Lost

Some of you may have seen this on Facebook, but I thought I would share it here as well :)

I found this amid some stuff I was clearing out. Based on the date I am pretty sure it was about a very dear friend of mine who was taken suddenly. Funny how time lets you forget the pain.
A short piece I found that I wrote back in 2011

I turned to see your face in the crowd, but each different face, sparked only a memory. I turned as I heard a rustle in the breeze,
but as I turned I realized it was only the echoes of my mind that I heard.
I longed to see your face, feel your touch, something, anything to remind me of you. But then I realized that all I had to do was shut my eyes, turn my face toward the sun, and it was you that was shining down on me.
I wanted you to hold me and tell it was okay, but all I had to do, was hold out my hand and a friend whose heart you had touched, would reach out and hold my hand in your place. I discovered that although I can't see you, you are in the touch of that friends hand.
I wanted to hear your voice and laugh with you, until it dawned on me that if I listened closely enough, you were in the voices of the people talking to me. Your voice was whispering to me, through the voices of all the other people around me.
When I needed to know if you are there walking beside me, protecting me, guiding me and helping me through each day, I know, that all I have to do is reach out to a friend. YOU will be there. In their words of wisdom, in their comforting touch, or in their hand held in mine, it is at those times, that I will know, YOU are there with me.
© Janeen Hayes 2011

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Thank you for taking the time to read my Blog. May the sun always shine on you, even if it is the darkest of days.