Thursday, 15 June 2017

Permanent Decisions on Temporary Emotions

I have been grappling with an urge to make permanent changes to my life on and off for a few months now.  But I haven't made any changes yet because I have been struggling to recognise if I really want to make them, or am I just reacting to a temporary emotion born from the struggles of the past few years finding resolution.

I have always lived by the creed, "never make a permanent decision when feeling a temporary emotion" since I learned this lesson some 16 plus years ago.   I wish I had made a different choice back then even though, things have turned out okay now. (which in it self is a lesson)  For a long time though, the decision I made back then had me spiraling into a world of pain, heartache and loss.  It is only when I get the chance to reflect now that I realise some of my greatest lessons were learned then.  I just failed to see them for what they were.

I don't know if I am alone in this thinking but we all know the saying "that we should learn to jump before we can learn to leap" but if you think about the actual process of leaping going backward, before we learn to jump we needed to learn to walk.  Before we walked we had to crawl.  But.... before we crawled, we simply lay on backs and watched the world go by (as limited as it was).  We didn't have any decisions to make, we didn't have to worry about food on a table or a roof over our heads.  We didn't have to worry if the person we share our life with is happy, are we pretty enough, are we old enough, are we too old, too pretty?  We just lay there and stared at what ever it was that our eyes manage to focus on.

Every decision I have made since I was old enough to make them, has brought me to a moment where I can make an educated decision to choose one path or the other, one direction or another, to speak out or to shut up.  What is interesting to me is that... it doesn't matter my decision to turn left or right, side step or walk straight ahead, because the decision I make will be the right one.  Sure there may be repercussions afterwards and some of them won't be pleasant to endure, but at the end of the day, everything will be exactly how it is supposed to be.

Some of us fear speaking out for injustice and would rather dwell in our own bubbles we call our world and not let anything penetrate it.  Some of us feel stifled by the bubble and can't wait to poke holes in it.  What is it that makes someone want to confront everything, shake the world from its foundations and set it spinning in another direction as opposed to the person who just wants to the world to stop to ensure there are no air pockets, ripples or anything touching us that can disturb the fragile skin of the bubble in which we dwell?

Does it really matter which direction I take now and which decision I make if I am feeling fragile? Is speaking out now, the wrong time for me to do so?  I am emotional and questioning whether everything in my life has a purpose to which my ethos is still aligned?  Do I really care that the world around me is turning to shit when for the first time in my life, it appears I have nothing to worry about.

I am lucky.  I am gifted.  I am complete.  I am whole. My life is perfect (definitely subjective of course).  Why then do I feel like I have to have something broken and this need to fix it?  Why is it that I can't seem to accept the first five sentences of this paragraph and that I am looking for something to break.  I have already fixed the problems which is why I am sitting here, lucky, gifted, complete and whole with a perfect life .  What is broken... nothing!  Why do I always feel the need to fix something.  It doesn't have to be me that is broken but it needs to be something. It feels like I am looking to deliberately break the perfect rhythm my life has become and the environment I am living.

So, because my head is all over the place and because I can't seem to decide what to do, I am going to plan for my future and try not to break today.  I will remind myself that I know that it is just a temporary passing phase that may be upsetting my equilibrium and that this, may not even have anything to do with me.  I am surrounded by people who are particularly unhappy at the moment due to events in their lives.  Am I just projecting their emotion and getting all caught up into something completely and totally unrelated?  I could make a change based on their projected emotions and totally wreck everything that is good in my life.

I guess this is why I live by the creed of never making a permanent decision when feeling a temporary emotion.  Advice to myself.... "Take a step back, breathe, look around you, within you and beyond you.  Lay on your back and breathe in the world for while, then try moving to your knees before you stand up.  Once that foundation is rock solid and unwavering, that is when you can start to jump or leap, if that is what you decide to do".

It's always good to change things up a little, but I just try to do it when my mind is in a good place, not a temporary bad one.

© Janeen Hayes June 2017


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